Wednesday 1 February 2012

Very interesting telephone call

I contacted DEFRA to ask their advice on how they would deal with a case of rabies.  When I eventually got through, it was obvious there was some consternation at the other end & I was asked to repeat my question.  I spoke slowly, explaining the reason for my request & asked “What will happen if a dog or cat gets rabies?  Will all other dogs & cats in the area have to be culled to stop it spreading?”  The agent on the line asked if I meant “Would we not be allowed to leave the area?”  I explained that the word ‘cull’ meant ‘to kill’, and repeated my question so that it was perfectly clear.  He asked if I would wait while he sought advice from his manager.
Eventually he came back and told me I should go to my vet for advice.  I explained that surely, with DEFRA being responsible for introducing & monitoring the new regulations, they should have plans in place for this eventuality &, as the new law had been in place for some days now, surely somebody must know the procedure?  He asked me to hold again whilst he sought further advice.
When he returned he reiterated that his manager had said to seek advice from my vet as they were not aware of any plans in place. 
So the question begs to be asked:  “What will happen when – and I stress the word WHEN and not IF – we have a case of rabies in the UK?  I guess we shall just have to wait & see……… 

Reproduced by kind permission of Dog World

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